Gutters, Soffit, Fascia

Protect Your Utah Deck With Gutters, Soffit, and Fascia

As a deck contractor, we understand the importance of protecting your home and deck from the elements. Gutters, soffit, and fascia are crucial components in ensuring your deck's and home's longevity and durability. Deck Design considers these factors as we design and build decks in Utah.


Gutters are essential for directing rainwater away from your home and deck. Rainwater can seep into your deck boards or foundation without proper gutter installation, causing damage and potentially costly repairs. We offer a variety of gutter materials, including aluminum, copper, and steel, to match your home's aesthetic and budget.

Soffit & Fascia

Soffit and fascia are often overlooked but play a crucial role in protecting your home and deck's roofline. The soffit is the underside of your roof's overhang, and the fascia is the vertical board that runs along the roof's edge. They protect your roof and attic from moisture, pests, and debris. We offer a range of soffit and fascia materials, including vinyl, wood, and aluminum, to match your home's style and provide maximum protection.

Protection for Your Deck

For decks, gutters, soffits, and fascia are just as crucial. Rainwater can pool on your deck without proper installation, causing damage and potential safety hazards. We offer gutter systems designed for decks to ensure adequate drainage and protection. For rooftop decks, gutters, soffits, and fascia are essential for protecting your home's structure and preventing leaks. Our team has experience installing gutter systems, soffits, and fascia on rooftop decks, ensuring your home is protected from the elements.

Deck Design offers professional installation and uses only the highest quality materials to ensure your gutters, soffit, and fascia provide maximum protection for your home and deck.

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